LattCo Services Inc, “Your Sanitation & Deep Cleaning Specialist”
LattCo Services Inc. is a privately held Northern California corporation which was established in 2016. LattCo currently provides commercial and industrial sanitation
and janitorial services in;
- Arizona
- California
- Connecticut
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Utah
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington
- And more coming soon!
LattCo’s Mission is to;
1. Take away everyday worries of commercial sanitation from our clients.
2. Provide superior on-site service.
3. Exceed the sanitation needs and goals of our clients.
LattCo’s Owner and Chief of Operations Valerie Latta and her team have more than 30 years’ experience in distribution, operations, warehousing and service Industries, including everything from selecting orders to managing major food service distribution centers. Our operations management team has extensive experience with, and conforms to;
- BRC.
- ASI.
- Steritech.
- Silliker.
- State and Federal Inspection Guidelines and Procedures.
Each member of our team is a regular hired associate who plays an important role by contributing knowledge, accepting responsibility, and providing flexibility. They are also tasked with adapting and enacting innovative ideas to accomplish clients’ specific needs.
For more information or to get an estimate, contact LattCo Services;
Phone: (833) 528-8261 (LATTCO1), (916) 684-8421
Information Request
Industries We Serve